• Handmade in America
  • Penland School of Crafts a national center for craft education located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina.
  • Piedmont Fiber Guild Organized in the early 1970’S as the Charlotte Handweavers Guild, our group has evolved into a regional membership comprised of people interested in all aspects of the fiber arts: spinning, weaving, knitting, doll making, surface design, basketry, and beadwork, to name a few.





  • Bluegrass in Galax Dedicated to promoting Bluegrass Music since 1996
  • Charlotte Sacred Harp Singers. Sacred Harp is a form of a cappella (unaccompanied) singing unique to America. This type of singing has been passed down from generation to generation since the 1700s, having been rooted in colonial singing schools. Sacred Harp singings are not performances; all are encouraged to participate as singers, though visitors are always welcome to participate as listeners.
  • Folk Arts Society of Greenville (NC) The Folk Arts Society of Greenville (FASG) is a membership organization dedicated to enriching the community through the arts.
  • Harvest Moon Folk Society an organization whose mission is to promote, sponsor, and encourage participation in folk and traditional dance for people in and around the Upstate of South Carolina.
  • High Lonesome Strings High Lonesome Strings is an association for Bluegrass musicians and Bluegrass fans who get together to celebrate and promote Bluegrass music. They are located in Pleasant Garden, North Carolina.(Greensboro area)
  • PineCone the Piedmont Council of Traditional Music, was formed in 1984 to honor the traditional music heritage that makes North Carolina unique.
  • SouthEastern Bluegrass Association! If you like to listen to bluegrass music, play bluegrass music, or would like to play bluegrass music, SEBA is the organization for you!
  • Wilkes Acoustic Folk Society. We’re a non-profit organization focused on nurturing musical appreciation and talent.



  • Augusta Heritage Center Davis & Elkin College.
  • Blue Ridge Old Time Music Week Mars Hill College.
  • East Tennessee State University Bluegrass & Country Music Program East Tennessee State University is an ideal place to pursue studies in bluegrass and country music.
  • Com isn’t a folk group, but is Richard Hefner’s instructional website for banjo (bluegrass & clawhammer), folk guitar, ukulele, and harmonica. Hundreds of pages of tablature, tutorials, and more to make your learning experience an enjoyable one. Tablature may be viewed on screen and tablature may be downloaded and viewed, played at any speed, or printed using the excellent tablature program, TablEdit, or the free viewer, TabView. Computer generated midi files are also provided on the site, as well as a link directory to over 2500 acoustic music sites (mostly folk & bluegrass).
  • Folk Chords. Pat Raedy has a personal web site that has a wonderful set of folk music chords, especially handy for Charlotte Folk Society post-Gathering monthly jams! Also check out his instructions on guitar bass notes and runs.
  • Homespun Tapes Terrific selection of instructional DVDs covering all instruments and genres.
  • John C. Campbell Folk School Teaching time-honored crafts, music and dance since 1925 in the mountains of western North Carolina.
  • Penland School of Crafts a national center for craft education located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina.
  • Stefan Grossman’s Guitar Workshop Great selection of instructional DVDs,focusing on guitar.
  • Swannanoa Gathering Five weekly camps each summer at Warren Wilson College in the Carolina mountains.


  • Jack Coobs, Luthier Jack is an excellent Charlotte-area luthier and craftsman, located in Matthews, N.C.
  • TAXI A commercial site that connects artists, musicians and song writers with arrangers and recorders.


Great Folk Links

Please feel free to suggest a link by emailing  here.